What do you do for physical education for your children? My son plays soccer in the Fall and in the Spring. In the Fall he plays on a league in our town. He also plays on a homeschool soccer league. And he has practice one night a week for the town league. So that’s three days a week with an hour and a half of pretty good exercise. But both of his soccer leagues have ended now for the year. He can play indoor soccer for the homeschool league during the Winter. Then they will start outdoors again in the Spring. But that still leaves long stretches of time with no physical activity. I know 8 year old boys are running around like crazy as much as possible. He rides his bike whenever the weather permits. And he plays with his friends outside when they get home from school. During the summer he goes hiking with his dad once in a while. That sounds like a lot of activity. But it is not on a regular basis. So I am trying to think of ways to incorporate more activity into my son’s life.
When he is not doing all these things he is happy to sit in front of his computer or sit and play with his Nintendo DS. He want us to buy him a Wii but that is not going to happen. That’s just another electronic devise to keep him from getting up and moving.
I’ve thought about enrolling him in Karate lessons. But they seem so violent. I’m not sure if that would be a good fit for him or not. I have also thought about dance lessons. He has expressed an interest in Irish Folk Dancing. But when I looked into this, I quickly became aware of how expensive it can be. Especially with the costumes and travel to perform.
So I’m back to my original question. What do you do for physical education for your children? Oh and it has to not cost a lot. And it shouldn’t involve a lot of travel. Oh and no expensive uniforms or costumes. Um, what else do I need to consider? I guess it should be fun too or he’s not going to do it. Any ideas?
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