Sunday, May 15, 2011

Science In The Third Grade

My son loves doing science experiments. His favorite thing to do is to drop mentos into diet coke. It has to be diet coke, not the super sugary kind. And it has to be somewhat warm, not cold. And you have to do this outside. You drop five or six mentos quickly in to a 2 liter bottle of diet coke and then run for shelter. I have seen it spray up to 20 feet in the air. Perfect for a little boy. What a mess it makes.

He also loves learning about rockets. How they fly? What makes them stable? He can explain how rockets fly using Newton’s Law of Motion. An object that is not in motion will remain not in motion until acted upon by an outside force. The motor exploding against the launch pad causes the rocket to lift off. Also, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Again, the motor exploding against the launch pad causes the rocket to lift off. Who knew science could be so much fun.

We also learn about science in some every day ways. How does the yeast make the bread rise? How does mixing a powder with water turn into jello? What makes the leaves change color? These are all simple ways to learn about science. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or cost a lot of money. Science is a part of our every day lives.

Tomorrow we are going to see what happens when you mix boric acid with water. We will bend a few pipe cleaners into shapes and hang them in the boric acid solution. In a few days we should be able to see the beautiful crystals appear on the pipe cleaners.

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